Cohen’s d is a statistic used in statistical analysis to measure the difference between two groups. It helps us understand if the difference between these groups is significant or just due to random chance.
To calculate Cohen’s d, you need the means and standard deviations of two groups. The formula involves subtracting the mean of one group from the mean of the other and then dividing by the pooled standard deviation. The result gives a measure of how far apart the means of the two groups are in terms of standard deviations. A larger Cohen’s d indicates a more substantial difference between the groups, while a smaller value suggests a smaller difference
For example, if the Cohen’s d is 0.5, it indicates a moderate difference between the groups. If it’s 1.0 or higher, that’s considered a large difference. On the other hand, if it’s close to 0, it suggests that there’s not much of a difference between the groups, and any variations are likely due to random factors.